RouterOS 6.34.2 [current]が公開になりました。




What's new in 6.34.2 (2016-Feb-18 06:31):

*) dude - updated to the latest Release Candidate revision (v6.35rc11); 
*) dude - (changes discussed here:;
*) chr - fixed high rate limitation;
*) dhcpv6 client - fix pd hint with empty address; 
*) ipsec - fix console peer aes enc algorithm display;
*) l2tp - ipsec peer & policy sometimes was not removed after l2tp interface disable;	 
*) log - try not to loose disk messages and warn if lost any;
*) lte - fix allowed bands for RBSXTLTE3-7;
*) pptp - fixed kernel crash when receiving fragmented packet with fragmented header;
*) proxy - store error.html on flash if it is available;
*) ssh - fixed connection stalling; 	 
*) ssh - make export verbose work; 
*) switch - make "sa-learning=yes" by default when adding Ingress VLAN Translation rules;
*) tile - fixed possible kernel failure with disabled watchdog timer caused by DDoS attack;
*) ups - fix waiting for AC power restore in hibernate mode;
*) winbox - added factory-firmware field to system/routerboard;
*) winbox - fixed email address saving;  
*) winbox - fixed multi value field display (i.e. web proxy ports);
*) winbox - fixed incomplete ARP entries are not refreshed;
*) www - fixed www crash.

What's new in 6.34.1 (2016-Feb-02 14:08):

*) interface - fixed stats that were 8x smaller;
*) traffic-monitor - fixed stats that were 8x smaller;
*) smips - properly detect smips boards for winbox & webfig.


Tile向けではDDoS攻撃を受けた時に、watchdog タイマー周りでkernel failureになるようですので、適用も検討したほうが良いと思われます。
