To upgrade, click "Check for updates" at /system package in your RouterOS configuration interface, or head to our download page: http://www.mikrotik.com/download What's new in 6.37.3 (2016-Nov-28 11:11): *) bgp - do not match all prefixes tagged with community 0:0 by routing filters; *) bridge - fixed filter Ingress Priority option (broken in 6.36rc8); *) chr - fixed crash on "/interface print" (introduced in 6.36.4); *) chr - fixed crash on "/system reboot" and "/system shutdown"; *) crs226 - fixed sfp-sfpplus1 link re-negotiation (broken in 6.37rc28/v6.37.1); *) disk - fixed issue when disk was renamed after reboot on devices with flash disks; *) dns - do not resolve incorrect addresses after changes made in static dns entries; *) dns - improved static dns entry add speed when regexp is being used; *) dude - (changes discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=112598); *) firewall - fixed filter rule "limit" parameter by making it visible again; *) firewall - fixed interface slave state recognition (broken in 6.37.2); *) firewall - fixed timeout option on address lists with domain name; *) log - ignore email topic if action is email; *) mipsbe - improved memory allocation on devices with nand when file transfer and tcp traffic processing is on progress; *) route - fixed memory leak when route cache is disabled; *) tile - fixed rare kernel failure when IPv6 neighbor discovery packet is received; *) traceroute - fixed crash when too many sessions are active; *) tunnel - allow to force mtu value when actual-mtu is already the same; *) winbox - recognize properly tcp in traffic-generator packet-template header type; *) winbox - show HT MCS tab if 2GHz-G/N band is used; If you experience version related issues, then please send supout file from your router to [email protected]. File must be generated while router is not working as suspected or after crash.
bridgeのfilter周りの修正や、Firewall周りの修正、mipsbe系のメモリアロケーションの修正、tile系のKernel failureの修正などが主な内容のようです。
mipsbeを搭載したRouterboardは多いので(CRSやhAP ACなどです)、適用しておくほうがいいかもしれません。tileについてもkernel failureの修正があるので、急なシャットダウンなどを防止することができるかもしれません。