6.38.2はFactory releaseなので、公開はされないそうです。
What's new in 6.38.3 (2017-Feb-07 09:52): *) bridge - do not add dynamic hardware STP ports if “master-port” is not capable of hardware STP; *) bridge - fixed rare crash when hardware STP capable interface gets new “master-port” which already is in bridge; *) bridge - fixed rare situation when port flapping occurs on bridge ports; *) bridge - fixed STP/RSTP packet receive on all types of bridge ports; *) bridge - minor improvements in performance when "master-port" is bridge port; *) capsman - fixed SGI (Short Guard Interval) support; *) dhcp - do not listen on IPv4/IPv6 client to IPv6 MLD packets; *) dude - (changes discussed here: https://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=116356); *) firewall - added "fasttrack" dummy rule to "/ip firewall raw" table; *) firewall - do not show IPv4 “fastpath” as active if “route-cache” is disabled; *) firewall - fixed import of exported configuration that had updated "limit" setting; *) graphing - fixed graphing crash when high amount of traffic is processed; *) hotspot - fixed rare kernel crash on multicore systems; *) ike1 - fixed responder xauth trailing null; *) leds - fixed defaults for RBSXT5HacD2nr2; *) mmips - improved general stability; *) rb3011 - fixed noise from buzzer after silent boot; *) switch - fixed crash when trying to configure second master port on the same chipset (RB3011, RB2011, CCR1009-8G-1S+); *) usb - added missing USB ethernet drivers to arm & tile architecture; *) winbox - added "add-relay-info" and "relay-info-remote-id" to DHCP relay; *) winbox - added H flag to "/ip arp" ; *) winbox - added missing "use-fan2" and "active-fan2" to "/system health"; *) winbox - allow shorten bytes to k,M,G in bridge firewall just like in “/ip firewall”; *) winbox - do not hide 00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC address in unpublished ARPs; *) winbox - fixed matching "connection-state=untracked" connections; *) winbox - fixed typo in “/system resources pci” list; *) winbox - make "power-cycle-after" show correct value; *) winbox - updated fan management menu; *) wireless - added "station-roaming" setting; *) wireless - update Thailand country frequency settings; Release 6.38.2 2017-02-22 What's new in 6.38.2 (2017-Jan-17 08:45): *) factory only release;