What's new in 6.42.6 (2018-Jul-06 11:56): *) bridge - improved packets processing when bridge port changes states; *) crs3xx - fixed bonding slave failover when packets are sent out of the bridge interface; *) crs3xx - fixed LACP member failover; *) crs3xx - improved link state detection when one side has disabled interface; *) defconf - fixed bridge default configuration for SOHO devices with more than 9 Ethernet interfaces; *) package - free up used storage space consumed by old RouterOS upgrades; *) snmp - fixed w60g "phy-rate" readings; *) supout - added "ip-cloud" section to supout file; *) w60g - fixed random disconnects; *) w60g - general stability and performance improvements; *) winbox - added 64,8 GHz frequency to w60g interface frequency settings; *) winbox - show "sector-writes" on devices that have such counters;
If you router has a storage issue (not enough space due to RouterOS, not by other files stored on the device), use package from this link:
– upload package to your router;
– run /system reboot
また、Wireless wireで採用されているW60Gの修正が入っているようですが、公式フォーラムを確認すると、まだ修正されていない、との書き込みが見られるので、使用されている方はテストを実施してから、適用するか確認したほうが良さそうです。