RouterOS 6.43.4 [stable] がリリースされました。



What's new in 6.43.4 (2018-Oct-17 06:37):

Changes in this release:

*) bridge - do not learn untagged frames when filtering only tagged packets;
*) bridge - fixed possible memory leak when VLAN filtering is used;
*) bridge - improved packet handling when hardware offloading is being disabled;
*) bridge - properly forward unicast DHCP messages when using DHCP Snooping with hardware offloading;
*) crs328 - improved link status update on disabled SFP+ interface when using DAC;
*) crs3xx - fixed possible memory leak when disabling bridge interface;
*) crs3xx - properly read "eeprom" data after different module inserted in disabled interface;
*) dhcpv4-server - use client MAC address for dual stack queue when "client-id" is not received;
*) dhcpv6-server - fixed dynamic binding addition on solicit when IA_PD does not contain prefix (introduced in v6.43);
*) dhcpv6-server - recreate DHCPv6 server binding if it is no longer within prefix pool when rebinding/renewing;
*) ipsec - allow multiple peers to the same address with different local-address (introduced in v6.43);
*) led - added "dark-mode" functionality for LHG and LDF series devices;
*) led - added "dark-mode" functionality for wsAP ac lite, RB951Ui-2nD, hAP and hAP ac lite devices;
*) led - fixed default LED configuration for SXT LTE kit devices;
*) led - fixed power LED turning on after reboot when "dark-mode" is used;
*) ntp - fixed possible NTP server stuck in "started" state;
*) romon - improved packet processing when MTU in path is lower than 1500;
*) routerboard - show "boot-os" option only on devices that have such feature;
*) traffic-flow - fixed post NAT port reporting;
*) w60g - added "frequency-list" setting;
*) w60g - added interface stats;
*) w60g - fixed interface LED status update on connection;
*) w60g - general stability and performance improvements;
*) w60g - improved stability for short distance links;
*) w60g - renamed "mcs" to "tx-mcs" and "phy-rate" to "tx-phy-rate";

What's new in 6.43.3 (2018-Oct-05 13:12):

(factory only release)

To upgrade, click "Check for updates" at /system package in your RouterOS configuration interface, or head to our download page:

If you experience version related issues, then please send supout file from your router to [email protected]. File must be generated while router is not working as suspected or after some problem has appeared on device


bridgeインターフェースについては、TAG付パケットの処理関連の不具合修正、VLANフィルタリングを使用時のメモリーリークする件についての修正、ハードウェアオフロード使用時のパケットの取り回しの修正、ハードウェアオフロード使用時のDHCP snoopingの取り扱いの修正、が主な内容です。







ただ、6.43になってから、iPhone XSでの無線LANの接続に問題が出ているという報告がフォーラムに見られます。こちらについては、サポートなどにも対応を依頼しているようですが、今回の更新内容に該当する項目は見られないので、根が深い問題になるかもしれません。(回避策としては802.11ac使用時に40MHz幅で使用すること、となっています)

WAP ac 5GHz issues with iPhone XS - MikroTik



v6.43.4 [stable] is released! - MikroTik